Keeping life simple!

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Keeping life simple!

Something that I’ve contemplated for a long time…

So, how do we do that? How do we keep our lives simple when there’s so much going on, I mean seriously, what’s involved in a typical day? All the activities involved in getting out the door…work, relationships, children, family, running a house, making dinner, shopping for dinner, school lunches, driving in traffic, making time to exercise, pick up kids, washing the clothes, sheets, etc etc……and it goes on. I’m sure we could all add to that list 10 fold. Pretty incredible what we manage to ‘get through’ each day! But for me this is where it all falls short….I don’t want to just get through my day, I don’t want to feel exhausted and cranky by the time it comes to finally put my feet up, and I really don’t want to forget about my big, bold dreams that fill me with excitement and anticipation.
I really want to simplify and I know this is the way to more energy and much less stress, more time and less being on the go, more love and less fatigue.
So back to the HOW?
You say NO! No to all the extra things that other people might want you to do, NO to the expectations we have of ourselves. We begin to say YES to everything that is nourishing and No to all that is draining your energy and eating up your precious time.
As Marie Forleo so blatantly puts it, “if it’s not a HELL YES, then it’s a HELL NO!”
Next, begin to notice what you REALLY need to be happy.We have so overcomplicated our lives, and the more we have, the more we want, this is human nature, we are constantly feeding that hungry addictive part of ourselves thinking that things will makes us happy, bring security and create a sense of love. Things will never do it, neither will money. Begin to observe that it’s not the things that are making you happy, because once you’ve got it, you just want another, it’s insatiable!
What’s really nourishing you?
Good whole food, clean water, shelter and the most important…LOVE.
Connection, a hug, a friend asking how you are, time in nature, an hour on your yoga mat, breathing in a beautiful sunset, walking barefoot on the beach or in the grass, meditation, and time spent with family and friends.
And the final thing is to ‘GO SLOW’. Stop rushing, pushing, trying to fit in that extra thing. BE LATE! Take your time, get off the clock, who said that we all to be on time to the minute, what a stressful way to think. As Byron Katie says, ‘You can never be late, you will always arrive exactly when you’re meant to’. You are much more likely to create more, when you are in the flow of relaxation and love, rather than stress and fear. Let life come to you and stop pushing for the next thing, the next project, the next client. Its all coming if you let it…..if you SURRENDER.
So…..Fist of all SAY NO MORE, next, know that ‘things’ will never truly make you feel secure and happy, and perhaps give yourself a month without shopping for unnecessary items such as clothes, shoes and handbags :)
Get clear on what IS really nourishing you and do more of it, and finally SLOW DOWN and get off the clock, get out of the push, press PAUSE and give yourself the space to really marvel at this incredible life we are so blessed to be experiencing.
Enjoy simplifying your life and discovering that really we need very little, what a relief!

Lauren x