Want what you want

Want what you want

Change your life – be yourself, ask a few simple questions. As we lead into the ‘silly’ season, can we be brave enough to ask ourselves…‘What do I want? How do I want to feel? A question that the inspiring Danielle La Porte is famous for asking. Giving myself permission to want what I want hasn’t come naturally, in fact most of the time I’ve been confused about what I want, and find that I’ve...

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Raw Food – another way to health!

Raw Food – another way to health!

I have added so much more raw food to my diet in the past 6 months and I feel a million times better for it! As David Wolfe says, there is an energy to raw food that is so incredibly nutritious and life giving. If you haven’t heard of David Wolfe, he’s one of the most passionate raw foodies and human beings I have ever come across. He’s website is http://www.davidwolfe.com/  There was a section on one of the morning television...

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Children & technology

Children & technology

Mem Fox, one of Australia’s well known children’s writers has been brave enough to speak out on this extremely important issue of children and technology. We’re up to our eye balls in this stuff and I wonder, daily, what effect this is having on our souls, health, happiness and feelings of connection with others. It always saddens me when I see young children being pushed around in a stroller clutching on to an i pad or an i...

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5 gluten free breakfasts

I recently had one of my beautiful health coaching clients ask for ideas for gluten free breakfasts. Having spent the last little while obsessed with my cookbooks and other fantastic blogs full of great recipes I have lot’s to share. Here are my top 5 Gluten free Breaky ideas, enjoy! And please let me know your favourites x   1. My throw it all together breakfast Here I’ve used Lee Holmes amazing gluten free nut...

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Relax into sleep…

Relax into sleep…

Do you suffer from Insomnia? A busy mind?? Are you marinating in negative or stressful thoughts before you sleep??? If you answered yes to any of these, read on… A simple exercise to help you relax and glide into a peaceful nights sleep…. Wake up feeling refreshed, energized and open to the opportunities that are always presenting themselves to you, especially when we are in the flow of life and not pushing against it.   Lay...

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Surrender? How do we do that?

Surrender? How do we do that?

What does it mean to surrender? This is something i’ve been pondering for some time, actually many, many years and especially since becoming a mother. What does surrender look like, feel like, sound like?? Some things that have come up for me are… Going with the flow, getting out of my own my own way, allowing others to be exactly who they are without the need to change them, staying out of other peoples business, questioning...

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